Carrot Song~
Aww I loved this scene in My Girl... Yoorin is feelig guilty coz she thinks its hard for Gongchan because of her, so she tried to cheer him up by singing to him! But in the end, she started to cry, aaaw and a kiss from Gongchan-ssi!!! ♥♥♥

Lee Dae Hae Version:
Original Version:
LYRICS [korean, konglish, english]
아~ 아~ 아~
Ah~ Ah~ Ah~
당~ 근~ 쏭~!
Dang Geun Song!
Carrot Song!
나 보고싶니? 당근
Na Bogoshipni? Danggeun~
Do you miss me? Carrot!
나 생각나니? 당근
Na Saengaknani? Dangeun~
Do you think of me? Carrot~
I Love U~ U Love Me~
Danggeun Danggeun Danggeun~
Carrot Carrot Carrot~
나 조아하니? 당근~
Na Choahani? Danggeun~
Do you like me? Carrot~
나 사랑하니? 당근~
Na Saranghani? Danggeun~
Do you love me?
I Love U~ U Love Me~
Danggeun Danggeun Danggeun~
너 변하지마~ 당근~
Neo Pyeonhajiman~ Danggeun~
You dont have to change~ Carrot~
언제까지나 당근~
Eonjekkajina Danggeun~
I will wait for long~ Carrot~
조아해 조아해
Choahae Choahae
I like you I like you
Danggeun Danggeun Danggeun
Carrot carrot carrot~
늘 행복해요~ 당근~♪
Neul Haengbokhaeyo~ Danggeun~
Always be happy~ carrot
늘 즐거워요 당근~♪
Neul Cheulgeoweoyo Danggeun~
Always cheer up~ Carrot~
사랑해 사랑해
Saranghae Saranghae
I love you I love you
당~ 근~ 송~!
Dang Geun Song!
Carrot Song!
때로는 짜증나고 때로는 힘들어도
Daeronun Kkacheungnago Ddaeronun Himdeuleodo
Sometimes its going to be hard and irritable, sometimes its hard
너의 곁에 언제나 웃고있는 날 생각해
Neoyeh Gathe Eonjena Uthgoithnun Nal Saengakhae
I think of you whenever and I smile
때로는 짜증나고 때로는 힘들어도
Daeronun Kkacheungnago Ddaeronun Himdeuleodo
Sometimes its going to be hard, irritable, sometimes its hard
너의 곁에 언제나 함께하는 나를 생각해
Neoyeh Gathe Eonjena Uthgoithnun Nal Saengakhae
I think of you whenever and I smile
아~ 아~ 아~
Ah~ Ah~ Ah~
당~ 근~ 쏭~!
Dang Geun Song!!
From My Girl Ep13
마이걸 13희
마이걸 13희
1 comment:
graciass!! muchismas gracias por la cancion es muy linda
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