DBSK on Heroine6
As always, me loves Heroine6 sooo much. Heehee. Altho I watch it raw and unsubbed its okay. More on Heroine6 some other time. For now, here's the DBSK hotties with the Yeohguls ^^
and they were sooooo cute when theyt were paying the Catch the Mouse game.. hihiii~ I was sooo laughing that episode~~ :D
and as always, the heroines are lucky gals~~ they get paired up with the hottest singers/celebs. and it's not just DBSK~! ^___^
and they were sooooo cute when theyt were paying the Catch the Mouse game.. hihiii~ I was sooo laughing that episode~~ :D
and as always, the heroines are lucky gals~~ they get paired up with the hottest singers/celebs. and it's not just DBSK~! ^___^
From Heroine6 EP103/104

Yunho love HyeonBin
I like HyeRyun!! Hahahaha I don't know, she's really funny.:P I'm not liking Micky's hair but yeah he's still cute!! ^^. Yunho's hot hot hot~
LOL~ just looking at HyeRyun eonnie's face just make me laugh out loud,, heeheehee~~!!!
wow I don't like Micky's hair too. And I think Hero had bad luck then. His partner is strange. hehe. I LOVE YUNHO FOREVER s2
Aww but i love mickey's hair like that haahaa ^^
LOL~ but Hero CHOSE his own partner~ i was surprised too why he chose HyeRyun [:
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