


Now. I just used all the negative words in Korean..! of the word No and Cannot Be. I was at Naver reading some news about Heroine6 and I read something like they were off to Saipan to film an episode... so I went to Soompi to confirm it.. but it was a different news I got..

After three years they have decided to cancel the show...! and I say.. NO!! IT CANT BE!! NO WAYYY! NO FRIGGIN WAYYY!!! NEVER!!!!

When my favorite Heroine~ LeeHyeYoung left I cried sooooo much during her last episode and I was bitter so I stopped watching for some weeks, so yes I missed it and with or without Hye Young I decided to watch again. I finally came to accept the new heroine Jung Sung Kyung even tho there`s still something in me, always hoping and wishing what might have been if HyeYoung eonnie is still there. But yes. The last episode I have seen is the one where they had some signings for fans which was freaking hilarious I must say. So, last sunday I failed to watch coz I slept during the afternoon *bummer*

So yes. I started watching H6 since October2005..! I cant believe I loved the show despite watching it raw and unsubbed, still, the guests and heroines made me laugh my heart out~~

Gahh. First Xman was already out.. okayy so I loved the old Xman but its sad knowing it already ended.

And now Heroine6?!?! 안돼~~

I cant accept this. Gosh. Am too emotional right now. Its kinda cheesy and all but my eyes are brimmed with tears. Coz these past few weeks I was rewathing H6`s old episodes and realized how much this show made me so happy.

SOOOOO SADDD! How am i gonna sleep now?!?!? ㅠ____________ㅠ


Anonymous said...

NOOOOO. I love Heroine6 too.:( That's too sad.. T_T

meow said...

I know!!! am soo depressed about this.. i was too depressed when HyeYoung Eonnie left~ but now theyre all going?!?!?! ANIMNIDA!!! ㅠ.ㅠ