
My Aigoo Star!

Kim Hyun Joong

Heehee. He is my ultimate S baby! Yeh, he's my favorite from SS501. He's too adorable. I love it when he comes out on Heroine 6~ I always anticipate his AIGOO!!! When playing Dibidibidip game!!! He's like too freaking mad when he fails, then claps his hand altogether and yells, AIGOO!!! awww! Even the Yuhgul`s can do it perfectly already, haha. Yep he's the Aigoo star.... Gahhhhhh..... I will miss H6 tooooo much!

From ep 118
*too bad there's no DBDBIP game anymore this year.. ㅠ.ㅠ

HyunJoongie with his OMONI!!! Hahahah~~

From EP 85, 86

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